Enter Ingredients

This page which we call the Ingredient chooser has a lot of powerful features put the page can be a bit intimidating at first. This help page is keyed to images of all the diferent areas of the Ingredient chooser. Start at the top or scroll down to to an image on the help page that matches the part of the Ingredient chooser that you have a question about.

Finding an ingredient

The key is the ingredient filter box (shown at right). Notice the letters 'sh' in the illustration are highlited in blue. This means that they are 'selected'. You can now simply type a few letters and new ingredients will be listed in the ingredient panel
ingredient filter box

new letters in filter box
ingredient panel
We have typed 'ch' in the filter box and the ingredient panel has filled with new ingredients. You will notice that some of the ingredients are black and some are blue. The black ingredients are single ingredients. The blue ingredients have other ingredients linked to them. If you click on 'chicken' you will choosing the ingredient that is most often associated with chicken, in this case it is 'Chicken, broilers or fryers, breast, meat and skin, raw'. This description will show up in the 'official name' text box. At the same time because the ingredient is blue you will see the sub-ingredient box fill with ingredients and groups of ingredients. Notice the text in the 'official name' text box is gray, this means that you cannot change this information.

This is the name as it appears in the USDA food nutrient database

This subingredient select box shows a list of selections for the ingredient we have chosen ie. chicken. The listings in this box can be either blue, green or black in color. A blue listing has an ingredient linked to it and some sub-ingredients. If we click on 'breast' we see some listings appear in the 'more sub ingredients select box and we see a default ingredient appear in our 'official name' text box, in this case it is 'Chicken, broilers or fryers, breast, meat only, raw'. A green listing has sub-ingredients but no default ingredient.
sub-ingredient select box

second sub-ingredient select box
The second sub-ingredient select box shows the ingredients that were associated with chicken/breast in the top sub-ingredient select box. If the description longer than the select box you can click on the widen button and you will see the entire description. Notice that these ingredient listings are in black. This means they are a single ingredient and not a group.

Clicking on the widen button lets you see long descriptions

Picking an ingredient

After you have found the ingredient that you need, when you click on it a number of things happen on your screen. In this case we clicked on 'Chicken, broilers or fryers, breast, meat only, raw'. The 'Use this ingredient description or change it' box is automatically filled with the most often used description of this ingredient.
ingredient filter box- selected

all of the descriptions for this ingredient

The 'other descriptions for this ingredient' select box contains all other descriptions that have been used for this ingredinet. If you click on any one of these descriptions it will be inserted into the 'Use this ingredient' text box. If you don't find a description that you like, you can simply type a new one in the 'Use this ingredient' text box. Remember all of these 'friendly' names refer to the chicken breast ingredient that you picked.

Clicking on your chosen ingredient also fills the 'measures for this ingredient' select box. The measures are the portion sizes for an ingredient. Some good examples of measures are teaspoon and cup. You cannot change or add to the measures for an ingredient. If you are stuck for a measure or ingredient, click on the button and we will add it for you.

The measures for this ingredient

amount and fraction drop-down
Finally you enter an amount. This can be a whole number or a fraction or both. In this case we have entered a two. Now you have entered all the information to build an ingredient line for your recipe.

The ingredient panel shows you the ingredient line as you build it.

This button will clear all of the current ingredient information.
This button will delete the current ingredient shown from your recipe.
This button will cause a window to pop-up that shows the current ingredient line as it will appear in the recipe. The next line shows the weight of the ingredient as it is used in the recipe in grams. It also shows the cooked version of the ingredient if applicable . (see below)
This button saves you ingredient as part of the recipe.

The ingredient popup shows you the finished ingredient line, weight and cooked ingredient.

The cooked version of an ingredient

When you click on the 'save' button the ingredient that you have been building will be saved and the system will check to see if there are any cooked versions of that ingredient. If there are, the system will pop-up a window with cooked ingredients. Simply click on the cooked version most closely matches the cooking process for this recipe. If you are using the raw ingredient or or combining the ingredient in such a way that is not listed, click on the 'Use Raw Ingredient' button.
Cooked ingredient pop-up

Editing your ingredients

The list of ingredients already selected for the recipe
At any time you can click on the button and you will see a list of all the ingredients that you have picked so far. By clicking on the sequentially numbered button on the left will recall that ingredient. You can then edit and re-save it.