Recipe Name Eggplant salad Submitted by floboe
Recipe Description yummy
Quantity 15 Quantity Unit spreads
Prep Time (minutes) 30 Cook Time (minutes) 15 Ready In (minutes) 45
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Amount Measure Ingredient
eggplant, peeled (yield from 1-1/4 lb)Eggplant
tablespoonsolive oil
Sequence Step
1Barbeque the eggplants until soft and skin can be easily peeled. Let sit in a strainer until they cool off. Peel the skin and clean under a stream of cold water until there is no more skin left. Cut off the stem and place the eggplants on a wooden cutting board.
2Dice the eggplants with a wooden knife until they become very soft and you cannot see anymore fiber.
3Put the eggplants in a bowl, add the salt and olive oil and mix on high for 2-3 minutes. Your eggplant salad is ready to eat! Finely diced white onion can be added for taste.