Recipe Name Pigs in a Poke Submitted by Guest
Recipe Description great pig in the blanket recipe for kids
Quantity 1 Quantity Unit
Prep Time (minutes) 20 Cook Time (minutes) 15 Ready In (minutes) 35
 Recipe Nutrition ... build a NutritionPlan with our meal planner  Recipe Nutrition ... build a NutritionPlan with our meal planner
Amount Measure Ingredient
biscuits (2-1/2" dia)biscuits
frankfurter (5 in long X 3/4 in dia, 10 per lb)hot dogs
Sequence Step
1Heat oven to 450F
2Make rolled biscuits as directed on package or use packaged rolled biscuit dough.
3Roll dough about 1/4 inch into rectangular shape
4Cut into 4 x 3 inch oblongs.
5Wrap each oblong around a weiner, letting ends of weiner peep out.
6Bake 15 minutes and serve hot. Makes 12 servings.