Recipe Name Paleo Breakfast Smoothie Submitted by Guest
Recipe Description breakfast smoothie
Quantity 4 Quantity Unit small glasses
Prep Time (minutes) 2 Cook Time (minutes) 2 Ready In (minutes) 4
 Recipe Nutrition ... build a NutritionPlan with our meal planner  Recipe Nutrition ... build a NutritionPlan with our meal planner
Amount Measure Ingredient
1 1/2
cupcoconut milk, So Delicious, unsweetened
medium (7" to 7-7/8" long)frozen bananas, peeled and hunked
servings .99 ozWhey Protein Powder
Sequence Step
1Pour coconut milk into blender jar.
2Add whey powder and start blender.
3Add banana chunks, a couple at a time, and blend until smooth.
4Pour into glasses and enjoy.