Recipe Name Banana Mocha Smoothie Submitted by mfannin
Recipe Description This is a simple and quick no sugar added smoothie. The natural sugars in the milk and banana provide plenty of sweetness to the drink, and the banana adds the volume.
Quantity 2 Quantity Unit glass
Prep Time (minutes) 5 Cook Time (minutes) 0 Ready In (minutes) 5
 Recipe Nutrition ... build a NutritionPlan with our meal planner  Recipe Nutrition ... build a NutritionPlan with our meal planner
Amount Measure Ingredient
cup2% milk or skim
small (6" to 6-7/8" long)sliced, frozen banana
teaspoons dryCoffee, instant, regular, powder
tablespoonunsweetened cocoa powder
Sequence Step
1Peel, slice, and freeze the banana. Add milk, cocoa powder, and instant coffee to blender and mix on low until disolved. Add frozen banana and blend until desired consistency. Enjoy.