Recipe Name Whole Foods Banana Nut Muffins Submitted by
Recipe Description My mom uses this recipe when she goes on the whole foods diet. It is so yummy, and makes for a very healthy and filling snack of even for breakfast with a cup of coffee.
Quantity 12 Quantity Unit muffins
Prep Time (minutes) 15 Cook Time (minutes) 20 Ready In (minutes) 35
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Amount Measure Ingredient
teaspoonsSaccherin liquid sweetener, 4 squirts
medium (7" to 7-7/8" long)mashed bananas, ripe
cupolive oil (prefer extra virgin for flavor)
cupswheat flour, white wholewheat
teaspoonbaking soda
cup, choppedwalnut halves, roughly chopped
Sequence Step
1Preheat oven to 350*. Mash banana''s in mixer with oil and four squirts of liquid sweetener.
2Slowly add baking soda and flour to banana mixture. Mix until combined.
3Roughly chop walnuts or break into large chunks. Stir walnuts into muffin mixture.
4Oil a 12 count muffin pan and evenly divide muffin mixture in the pan. Bake at 350* for about 20 minutes.
5These are wonderful to eat warm, but they make a great grab-n-go snack, or a quick breakfast.