Recipe Name Whole Grain Pizza Dough Submitted by candyman
Recipe Description This recipe will yield six 12" thin crust pizzas (11.5 ounce dough balls).
Quantity 6 Quantity Unit
Prep Time (minutes) 190 Cook Time (minutes) 8 Ready In (minutes) 198
 Recipe Nutrition ... build a NutritionPlan with our meal planner  Recipe Nutrition ... build a NutritionPlan with our meal planner
Amount Measure Ingredient
cups (8 fl oz)water
6 3/4
teaspoonsinstant yeast (Fleishmans, Red Star)=3 pkg active
teaspoonStevia - any other sugar sub
3 3/4
cupsflour, whole wheat
cupsflour, bread (KA brand best) or High Gluten flour
cupsoats, rolled quick cooking - ground in food proces
cupwheat germ
teaspoononion powder
Sequence Step
1Mix all dry ingredients, including yeast if using instant dry yeast (if using active dry follow packet instuctions and add to dry ingredients seperately).
2Add water (and yeast if proofing was needed !!Remember to subtract the water used from proofing yeast from amount of water used in recipe!!)
3Mix in mixer with dough hook for appx 8 minutes or until dough is smooth.
4Table the dough and cut into 6 equal portions (about 11 1/2 ounces apiece).
5Make into dough balls and put into dough box.
6Lightly spray with release (cooking spray - olive oil works great)
7Cover and refrigerate for a minimum of 3 hours (best 1 to 3 days... but 3 hours will do.
8Stretch dough out to 12" by hand tossing or using a rolling pin <-makes a nice thin crust
9Sauce it, layer with veggies and meat, top with 4 ounces Mozzarella and 2 ounces Provolone cheese
10Bake until cheese slightly browns and crust rises. Appx 7 minutes on a pizza stone (bottom shelf) at 550 degrees.
11Cut and enjoy one of the best Whole grain pizza''s you will ever eat. Can substitue sugar or honey for sugar substitue. I''m diabetic so short cuts are needed.
12** This recipe can be divided by 3 for a home 5 or 6 quart mixer.
13** Note to Diabetics ** One 12" pizza has 27g carbs (crust only) so you can be very generous with your toppings and still be able to eat a salad and some chicken wings.