| | | | 3/4 | cup | olive oil | 3 | large | Onion, chopped | 3 1/2 | medium | Carrots, raw | 1 1/2 | cups, strips | celery | 1/2 | thick slice, packed 12/lb | bacon (8 ounces) | 7 | cans (15 oz) | Tomato products, canned, diced | 9 | pounds | ground beef | 1/3 | cup | tomato paste | 3 | cups | broth, Beef, fat free | 1 1/8 | cups | butter | 1 | cup | all-purpose flour | 2 1/4 | quarts | milk | 10 | noodles | lasagna noodles | 16 | packages (5 oz) | Cheese, parmesan, grated |
| 1 | To Prepare Bolognese:
1. In large rondo, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the onion, carrot and celery and cook stirring ocassionally until translucent, about 10 minutes.
2. Add the tofu, and cook through.
3. Add diced tomato, tomato paste and vegetable broth. Simmer for 30 minutes. | 2 | To prepare Bechamel:
1. Melt the butter in a saucepan over low heat. Ad the flour and stir with a wire whisk to form roux.
2. In a separate pan, heat the milk to just boiling. Ad the milk to the roux and small amount at time making sure to whisk to eliminate and lumps.
3. When all milk has been added, simmer to thicken. |