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Recipes - Potato Flauta

Recipe Name

Potato Flauta

Submitted by Guest
Recipe Description poor mans feast
Quantity 1 Quantity Unit tortilla Servings  
Prep Time (minutes) 5 Cook Time (minutes) 35 Ready In (minutes) 40
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Amt. Measure Ingredient
medium (2-1/4" to 3-1/4" dia.)Russet Potatoes peeled, chopped
tortillas, medium (approx 6" dia)tortillas, corn
cupsoil, canola
cups, pureedavocado
Sequence Step
1Potatoes - Wash and peel potatoes, then cut them in halves. - Cut the halves into 5th’s and place in a pot of cold water, and then bring it to a boil until soft. (25-35 minutes) - Drain the potatoes into a strainer, then place the soft potatoes into a bowl and smash to preference.
2Guacamole - Cut 2 Avocadoes in halves and remove the seeds. - Remove the inner Avocado from the Skin and place in a bowl. - Add Salt to preference and use a fork and spoon to mash until a creamy thick texture is reached.
3Flautas - Heat tortillas in microwave for 10 seconds and place on flat surface - Add 2 1/2 tbsp potatoes and other optional ingredients onto the tortilla - Roll the tortilla tightly. - Fill a pan about 1 Inch up with corn oil and heat - Once the oil is heated place the rolled Flautas in with the top openings downwards unto the oil ( This is so the tortilla will not open) - Hold with tongs Cook until golden or firm - Drain extra oil with paper towels - Serve with Guacamole or other toppings on the side

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