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Recipes - Semi Crunchy Fruit Oat Bars

Recipe Name

Semi Crunchy Fruit Oat Bars

Submitted by Guest
Recipe Description Very simple recipe.
Quantity 1 Quantity Unit 9x13 Servings  
Prep Time (minutes) 10 Cook Time (minutes) 40 Ready In (minutes) 50
 Recipe Nutrition ... build a NutritionPlan with our meal planner  Recipe Nutrition ... build a NutritionPlan with our meal planner
Amt. Measure Ingredient
cup, packedbrown sugar
cupflour, Gluten free all purpose mix
teaspoonbaking soda
packetrolled oats (1 cup)
cupbutter unsalted
Sequence Step
1Preheat oven to 350.
2Line an 8×8 or 9x13 baking dish with foil.
3Cut together everything but the jam using at: food processor, pastry cutter, two knives or hands.
4Don’t be afraid to get in there and get your hands dirty.
5Combine until you have a nice crumbly mixture without too many large chunks of butter.
6Press 2 cups of the mixture into the bottom of the prepared pan.
7Spoon on the jam (microwaving it can make it more spreadable) and spread to within 1/4"of edge.
8Spoon on the jam (microwaving it can make it more spreadable) and spread to within 1/4"of edge.
9Lightly press the remaining crust mixture over the top of the jam.
10Bake for 35-40 minutes or until lightly browned.
11Cool completely before cutting.

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