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Recipes - Pasta Primaver

Recipe Name

Pasta Primaver

Submitted by Guest
Recipe Description One of my favorite recipes as it's pasta loaded with bright and tastey vegetables. Substituing vegetables is also an optino
Quantity 0 Quantity Unit Servings  
Prep Time (minutes) 10 Cook Time (minutes) 20 Ready In (minutes) 30
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Amt. Measure Ingredient
carrot (7-1/2")Carrots, sliced into thin coins
bunchbroccoli florets
smallOnion chopped
mediumzucchini and/or summer squash- remove ends, slice in each in two
teaspoonsgarlic salt
medium whole (2-3/5" dia)Tomatoes
cupPeas, frozen
ouncewhole wheat spiral pasta
tablespoonsolive oil, extra virgin
cup2% milk or skim
ouncesCheese, parmesan, grated
Sequence Step
1fill large saucepan with one inch of water over high heat, bring to a boil. peel the carrot and cut into thin slices. add the carrot slices and broccoli to the pan and cover, cook for four minutes or until the broccoli is a little tender. Drain the water and set the broccoli and carrots aside. peel the onion and cut into half inch pieces. The original recipe called for one zuchinni and one yellow squash but i improvised and used three zuchinni squashes and it still turned out delicious. Cut the zuchinni (and/or yellow squash) in half lengthwise and then cut into thin slices. cut the tomato in half, remove the seeds by scraping them out and chop into half inch pieces. plase the peas in a colander. fill the same sauce pan two thirds full with salted water over high heat, bring it to a boil. add the pasta and cook for ten to twelve minutes or until al dente. pour the pasta into the colander, on top of the peas and drain well. while the pasta is cooking, place the oil in a large skill over medium high heat. add onion, zuchinni (and or sqush), and cook, stirring frequently for eight to ten minutes. add the garlic and cook for a minute, then add the tomato, broccoli and carrots and cook for two to three minutes or until the tomatoes are warm. add the milk and parmesian to the pan and stir gently for a minute. add the passta and peas tot he pan and stir until combined. season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with parmesian and serve immediately

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