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Recipes - Vanilla Coconut Ice Cream

Recipe Name

Vanilla Coconut Ice Cream

Submitted by Weezythecat
Recipe Description Dairy Free and Sugar Free
Quantity 0 Quantity Unit Servings  
Prep Time (minutes) 20 Cook Time (minutes) 20 Ready In (minutes) 40
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Amt. Measure Ingredient
can (15 oz)coconut milk
largeegg yolks
teaspoonsseeds from vanilla beans
Sequence Step
1Boil some water in a pot and reduce to a simmer.
2Place a heat proof bowl over it in a double boiler fashion and pour the coconut milk in it. Put vanilla seeds or vanilla extract with the coconut milk and heat until hot, but make sure it doesn’t come to a boil. If using flavorings such as mint or dark chocolate, you can add them now. You can also add chocolate at the end of the process to keep the pieces whole.
3Whisk the eggs of yolks in a separate bowl. Add one ladleful of the now hot coconut milk to the eggs while whisking quite vigorously. What you’re doing is tempering the eggs and slowly bringing the temperature up without cooking the eggs and risking that they scramble. Add two or three other ladlefuls of the coconut milk mixture and incorporate them to the eggs while whisking continuously
4Take the tempered eggs and whisk in the bowl where the rest of the coconut milk is on the double boiler.
5Whisk for a couple of minutes non-stop to form a thick custard. Make sure it doesn’t get too hot and the simmering water doesn’t touch the bowl.
6Once the custard is ready, remove from the heat source and let it cool on the counter or the refrigerator.
7You can add any other flavoring you want to use once the custard is cold enough to put a finger in it and feel comfortable.
8Let it cool even more in the refrigerator before freezing it.
9Put in your ice cream maker and follow its instructions or put in a baking dish in the freezer and stir vigorously every 30 minutes for about 2 to 3 hours until it’s set.
10Take it out of the freezer for about 10 minutes before enjoying so it softens a bit. Serve with added coconut milk, berries, mint, coconut flakes or any other flavoring you might like.

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